“Joyful books, for readers both young and old.”

Hello and Welcome to my Blog, Jewel Noir!

I am Dr. Kimberly A. Gordon Biddle, an Emeritus Professor from Sac State and an author of textbooks and children’s books (PB & MG). I started out with humble beginnings, being raised in poverty by a single parent mom in a rural village in Illinois. I was educated at the University of Redlands with a Double BA in Psychology and Music, where I graduated Cum Laude. Then I continued my education at Stanford University GSE, where I obtained a PhD in Child and Adolescent Development. After 30 years in the field, 28 years as a Professor, I am retired and focused on helping others with my writing. This bi‐monthly blog is one way that I am helping. I hope it is informative and helpful to those who read it.

Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen ‐ Thoughts on Children’s Trauma and Children’s Literature

Posted March 15th, 2021
  1. Can you tell us a little about your educational background and experience concerning children’s trauma?

    I received my PhD in Clinical Psychology from USC and completed my Pre and Postdoctoral training at UC San Francisco. I am currently the Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at UC San Francisco where I have collaborated on our research for over the past 20 years.

  2. What are the topics and themes of the research that you do related to Children’s Trauma and can you name 1 or 2 of the published book chapters or journal articles that contain this research?

    Research Themes ‐ The effectiveness of various psychosocial interventions in vulnerable populations, including Latino immigrant families, the impact of domestic violence on preschool children and their families, the impact of complex trauma on children under the age of 6 years, and the effectiveness of Child‐Parent Psychotherapy as a treatment model for young children who have experienced trauma.

    Scholarly Publications ‐ Co‐author with Dr Alicia Lieberman of the Child‐Parent Psychotherapy treatment manual, co‐author of the randomized trial examining the efficacy of Child‐Parent Psychotherapy.

    Author of “Wounds from the past: Integrating historical trauma into a multicultural infant mental health framework”, a chapter in the 4th edition of the Handbook of Infant Mental Health, which serves as a textbook for training infant mental health practitioners around the world.

  3. Name and discuss 2 to 5 key findings from your research on children’s trauma

    Child‐Parent Psychotherapy, a two‐generation treatment, was found to be effective in reducing child and parent symptoms and improving relationships. In particular it was found to be an effective way to support families where children had experienced multiple traumatic events. Our research also showed that improvements in parent symptoms was associated with improvements in child symptoms.

  4. How can children’s literature help children who have experienced trauma?

    You can embed psychological principles into books so that the books serve as a population‐based intervention to support children and families in healing after they experience difficult events. Stories and metaphor have the power to show children and families that they are not alone, to touch our minds and our hearts, and to open doors to conversations that lead to healing.

  5. What children’s books have you had published? What books will you be releasing in 2021? Are there any in the pipeline that you can discuss? Here are her books that are published or in process ‐

    Through Piplo Productions.com Dr. Ghosh Ippen has independently published 5 books:
    Once I Was Very Very Scared ‐ her most popular book
    You Weren’t With Me ‐ for families who have been through difficult separations
    Holdin Pott ‐ to support emotional regulation
    Mama’s Waves & Daddy’s Waves ‐ for children whose parents have mental health or substance abuse challenges

    Once I Was Very Very Scared and You Weren’t With Me are available in Spanish.

  6. Tell us some about how many books you have sold and your marketing strategies.

    She has sold over 60,000 books. Dissemination strategies include partnering with community organizations, sharing the books through professional presentations, creating a free series to support families after disasters with over 400,000 copies distributed worldwide, and ensuring that there are free versions of each book to support communities in need.

  7. Any other comments you would like to make? How can those who are interested in your books purchase them?

    You can find her books where books are sold including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, & Indie Bound. The website, https://piploproductions.com, offers wholesale rates.

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